On June 11th, 2024, David Hosier was executed by the state of Missouri at approximately 6:11 PM CST. We remember Angela and Rodney Gilpin as beloved by their family and the community in which they lived. We hold up David Hosier, his loved ones, and those who have developed deep and loving friendships with David over the years. It is our hope that our coming together will help us face the violence within ourselves as a society, as well as offer consolation to those who are victims of the violence of others. Once we acknowledge the humanity in ourselves, we can see that all life has dignity.
MADP delivered over 500 more signatures and made a powerful statement outside Governor Parson's office. Over 50 people stood outside ERDCC to bear witness to the heinous act of state violence. Hundreds of others gathered in solidarity throughout Missouri to respond to systemic violence in our society and to hold space for all co-victims of the death penalty.
David is now the 99th person murdered by the state of Missouri since 1986.
Statement From MADP: "For the 11th time, Mike Parson, the Governor of Missouri has proven that his mind nor soul holds an ounce of mercy nor compassion. In fact, in his refusal to offer the mercy and compassion that his faith dictates, he has continuously shown the citizens of this state that he is as apathetic and horrendous as he claims of the acts committed by people on death row; people that have suffered severe childhood abuses & trauma, people who were intellectually disabled, and even people who were innocent.We do not believe in throwing human beings away and tonite we grieve with those who loved David Hosier and we will continue to uplift the humanity of those on death row and work to end this horrific and inhumane practice in Missouri." Michelle Smith, MADP Co-Director