Missouri —
Last week, the world witnessed the United States under the direction of President Trump and Department of Justice, Attorney General William Barr, execute three men on federal death row in a series of rapid fire executions during the worst global pandemic of our lifetime. Their rush to federal executions placed all who participated and made witness to this atrocity at risk during another spike in COVID-19 cases inside correctional facilities. The legality and constitutionality of these federal executions and the death penalty has been questioned by grassroots organizers, faith-leaders, researchers, and even Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.
We will continue to say, end executions. End the death penalty.
Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty held federal death penalty execution watches and vigils at the Kansas City, Missouri Federal Courthouse on July 14th and 17th in solidarity with abolitionists across the country. We thank Jerusalem Farm – KC for their support and solidarity on the 15th and 17th.
The federal execution of Missourian, #KeithDwayneNelson is scheduled for August 28th, 2020. We will be updating you with solidarity actions in time. For more information about federal executions please visit the Death Penalty Information Center.
Images below are from the week of July 14th, 2020 with MADP and Jerusalem Farm KC.
