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Execution Day Stopped for Richard Glossip: Sister Helen Prejean Speaks on His Behalf

Just before noon on the day of his execution, a court of appeals granted Glossip a stay of execution until September 30. Glossip’s case has recieved national attention and highlights the need for a drastic overhaul of this broken system.

Richard Glossip had been denied his requiest for a 60-day stay of execution earlier today, despite there being substantial doubt cast upon his guilt. Sister Helen Prejean, an outspoken opponent to the death penalty, has spoken on his behalf insisting on his innocence. His execution was set for 3 PM Wednesday, September 16.

A juror from Glossip’s 1998 trial wrote in a letter to Oklahoma City’s FOX News affiliate that new information not presented during that trial would cause him/her to reconsider the verdict. Juror No. 1 from the 2004 trial, David Piscitello, stated to the Tulsa World that he was irriatated that people were trying to undermine the jury’s verdict. His verdict stands firm.

Read more here and here.


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