Interfaith Partners
Our Inter-faith Partners practice their faith through action. Leaders across spiritual and theological practices have long been a part of the cause to abolish the death penalty, and we invite all members of our inter-faith network to join us.
Have your faith community donate $500.00 or more to be listed on our website and annual communications as a Faithful Fifty donor. Contact today for more information.
Our Interfaith Partners include:
Dominican Community of St. Louis
Archdiocese of St. Louis - Peace and Justice Commission
Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia
Missouri Catholic Conference – Public Policy Committee
Missouri Annual Conference, United Methodist Church
United Church of Christ
Visitation Church – Social Concerns Ministry
St. Mary’s Institute of O’Fallon
Therese of Divine Peace
Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City
Diocese of Springfield – Cape Girardeau
Affiliation in Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty is open to organizations that share its primary goal of ending the death penalty in the State of Missouri. Affiliate Organizations of MADP are autonomous, self-directed groups or coalitions that choose to join the MADP network to strengthen and expand their work for ending the death penalty.
Affiliates of MADP Include:
American Friends Service Committee
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Law Office of Fred Slough
God's Will In Action
Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation
Organization for Black Struggle--St. Louis
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondolet--St. Louis Province
Society of the Precious Blood - Kansas City, Missouri
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